Rising Social Tension In Europe

Due to cuts in social programmes, more than a quarter of Europeans risk remaining without material assistance.
Why are the leaders among the Western political class involved in processes that ensure the continuation of hostilities?
Who is interested in prolonging the conflict?
What symbolic, ideological and material incentives motivate this group to support it?
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More than a quarter of European citizens face financial difficulties.
About a third of Europeans experience serious difficulties meeting basic needs due to rising prices.
Europeans are uncertain about the future, with almost half fearing that they may face a difficult situation in the near future.
Declining financial well-being has transformed citizens’ demands. Europeans are most concerned with topics related to rising prices, social inequality, and support of the economy.
A significant proportion of citizens in financial difficulty require social support. However, due to cuts in social programmes, more than a quarter of Europeans risk remaining without material assistance.
When you think about your current financial and material situation, you would say it is...:
Source: Ipsos, sample of 10,000 people from 10 countries surveyed in June 2023
Financial difficulties do not solely affect the lowest income segments of society. Eighty percent of Europeans have reported experiencing at least one challenging financial situation, and fifty-one percent have been in such a position within the past six months.
Current circumstances are leading Europeans to modify their spending habits. Sixteen percent frequently consume less than three meals per day, twelve percent regularly choose not to heat their homes, even during cold weather, and eleven percent of parents have been forced to eat less to feed their children. Even more Europeans resort to these methods occasionally.
Have you experienced the following situations over the last two years because of inflation and the fall in your purchasing power? Percentage of respondents.
Source: Ipsos, sample of 10 000 people from 10 countries, surveyed in June 2023
Two years into the conflict, there is a relatively high level of concern among European residents. Nearly half of the population (48%) reports that they perceive a significant risk of encountering difficult circumstances in the near future. Among Europeans’ primary concerns are food inflation (62%), unforeseen expenses (59%), and rising fuel costs (59%).

Fatigue from economic challenges, lack of prospects for improved material well-being, increasing social tension stemming from the migration crisis, and the need to devote significant funds to support Ukraine ultimately influence the revision of values and a shift in the life outlook among Europeans, including their political views.

As elections to the European Parliament approach, Ipsos conducted a survey (sample size: 25,916 people) to identify priority areas for the European Union. According to European respondents, these include:
Therefore, socio-economic concerns have become a priority. At the same time, issues related to climate change, defence, and international relations have been relegated, and support for Ukraine has ranked ninth in terms of priority.
The priority the EU should give to different issues. Percentage of respondents
Source: Ipsos, sample of 25,916 people from 18 countries surveyed in February-March 2024
The findings of the research indicate increasing discontent with the current socio-economic strategies implemented within the European Union. Considering the upcoming elections and potential shifts in the balance of political power within European political institutions, it is possible to anticipate a shift in the direction of EU policy, taking into account citizens’ needs.
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