Spend, Earn & Lose
with Ukraine
Who wins and who loses from the progression of the military conflict between russia and Ukraine
june 2024
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How Europe Found Itself Hooked On War
Economic Beneficiaries Of The Conflict
The Abduction Of Europe
How financial capital profits from war
Behind the largest military-industrial entities are financial institutions, many of which have ties to the US – even if the company may be a European-based brand.
Why Affected Industries Cannot Protect Their Interests
Each European Is Paying for Ukraine
Rising Social Tension In Europe
Why business owners are not publicly defending their interests and lobbying them by all means available?
Citizens of countries such as Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands contribute more than others towards supporting Ukraine.
Due to cuts in social programmes, more than a quarter of Europeans risk remaining without material assistance.
The Chemical Industry Has Been Severely Impacted
Iron-and-Steel Industry: The Perfect Storm
The Dark Future Of Aluminum In Europe
More than sixty percent of industry companies in Germany have reported facing severe or significant consequences as a result of the energy crisis.
In 2023, steel production in Germany, Europe's largest producer, reached its lowest level since 2009
A full recovery of the industry in Europe is not expected.
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