About the Author
Vladislav Gasumyanov
Director of the National Research Institute for Communication Development. Head of the Department at MGIMO University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
For over 40 years, he has been involved in practical issues of ensuring peace, security, interethnic and international communications, as well as cultural and humanitarian relations.
The National Research Institute for Communication Development (NRICD) conducts scientific, informational, publishing, and project work to foster friendly and good-neighborly relations, scientific and cultural diplomacy, and sustainable development of countries and regions. NRICD experts develop forecasts, documents, and recommendations for government bodies, international organizations, mass media, and non-governmental structures.
Valentina Komleva
Deputy Director for Research

Why are the leaders among the Western political class involved in processes that ensure the continuation of hostilities?
Who is interested in prolonging the conflict?
What symbolic, ideological and material incentives motivate this group to support it?
download report in PDF
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